Tre date primaverili per la polistrumentista berlinese LIN, out per Listen Records. Il suo amore per le percussioni ed il drum pud si fonde con suoni un approccio ai suoni sintetici elegantemente bilanciato. Il risultato è un electro pop che trova la sua massima esibizione nelle esibizioni live di questa artista queer fuori dal comune, tra ambient, synth pop, aperture cyber tribal ed indietronica anni '10. Da vedere.
L I N is an explosive live artist, who is able to give light pop music a deeper meaning that keeps just the right distance to the abyss. With her English lyrics, she ventures up to the borders of the norm and crosses them, moving beyond established standards. In her music, L I N connects synthetic sounds from the synthesizer and drum pad with the organic sounds of the guitar and her voice, which together culminate in her own special sound that interfaces somewhere between electro and pop genres. The queer solo artist plays more than five different instruments live, connects them with her distinctive, warm voice, and radiates a passion during live concerts that the audience can hardly resist.
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"A powerful portrait of electrifying energy" | EVERYTHING IS NOISE
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